Leading members of the Institute of Mining of Ural branch of RAS
Kornilkov Sergey Victorovich | Director of IME OF UB of RAS, Doctor of Sc, prof |
Yakovlev Victor Leontjevich | Councillor of RAS, corresponding member of RAS, Doctor of Sc, prof |
Glebov Andrey Valerjevich | Dep Director of IME of UB of RAS, Candidate of Sc |
Panzhin Andrey Akeksejevich | Academic secretary of IME of UB of RAS, Candidate of Sc |
Zhuravlev Artem Gennadijevich | Chief of laboratory of open pit transport systems and geotechnics, Candidate of Sc (Engineering) |
Stakheev Nikolai Lukich | Leading specialist on innovative work, Candidate of Sc, seniour research worker |
Laptev Yuri Victorovich | Laboratory Chief, Doctor of Sc, senior research worker, member of Council of dissertations |
Shemenev Valery Gennadijevich | Laboratory chief, Candidate of Sc,sitting member of Academy of Mining Sciences |
Boriskov Fedor Fedorovich | Senior research worker, Doctor of Sc (Geology & Mineralogy) |
Sakantsev Mikhail Grigorjevich | Doctor of Engineering, Senior research worker |
Melnik Vitaly Vyacheslavovich | Laboratory Chief, Candidate of Sc |
Sinitsyn Victor Alexandrovich | Research worker, Candidate of Sc |
Sukhov Rudolf Ivanovich | Chief of division, Candidate of Sc, senior research worker, sitting member of AMS |
Smirnov Alexey Alexejevich | Senior research worker, Candidate of Sc |
Bolkisev Vladislav Semenovich | Senior research worker, Candidate of Sc |
Slavikovskaya Yuliya Olegovna | Senior research worker, Candidate of Sc |
Balek Alexandr Evgenyevich | Leading research worker, Doctor of Engineering |
Zubkov Albert Vasilyevich | Chief research worker, Doctor of Engineering, member of academic board |
Sokolov Igor Vladimirovich | Laboratory chief, Candidate of Sc, member of academic board |
Antipin Yuri Georgiyevich | Senior research worker, Candidate of Sc |
Antonov Vladimir Alexandrovich | Chief research worker, Doctor of Engineering |
Yakovlev Alexej Victorovich | Laboratory chief, Candidate of Sc, member of academic board |
Usanov Sergey Valeryevich | Laboratory chief, Candidate of Sc |
Sakantsev Georgiy Grigoryevich | Senior research worker, Candidate of Sc |
Bolikov Vladimir Egorovich | Laboratory chief, Doctor of Engineering, member of academic board |
Bakhturin Yuri Alexeevich | Laboratory chief, Candidate of Sc, member of academic board |
Feklistov Yury Georgievich | Laboratory chief, Candidate of Sc |
Zoteev Oleg Vadimovich | Laboratory chief, Doctor of Engineering, member of academic board |
Alenichev Victor Mikhailovich | Doctor of Engineering, member of academic board |
Antoninova Natalia Yurijevna | Laboratory chief, Candidate of Sc |
Sashourin Anatolij Dmitriyevich | Division chief, Doctor of Engineering, member of academic board |
Smirnov Oleg Yuryevich | Senior research worker, Candidate of Sc |
Khudyakov Sergej Vladimirovich | Senior research worker, Candidate of Sc |
Lipin Yakov Ivanovich | Senior research worker, Candidate of Sc |
Zharikov Sergej Nikolayevich | Senior research worker, Candidate of Sc |
Kotyashev Albert Alexandrovich | Senior research worker, Candidate of Sc |
Kantemirov Valeriy Danilovich | Sector Chief, Candidate of Sc |
Krinitsyn Roman Vladimirovich | Research worker, chairman of the union committee |
Kravchuk Igor Leonidovich | Director of Chelyabinsk Subsidiary of the Institute, Doctor of Engineering, member of academic board |
Dovzhenok Alexandr Sergeyevich | Chief research worker, Doctor of Engineering |
Andreeva Lyudmila Ivanovna | Chief research worker, Doctor of Engineering |
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Оценка результативности
- Во исполнение Распоряжения ФАНО России от 25.04.2017 № 111 и согласно письму ФАНО России от 04.05.2017 № 007-18.2-11/МК-138 о внеочередной оценке организациям, Институт горного дела УрО РАН предоставляет в ФАНО России сведения для экспертной оценки результатов деятельности за отчетный период (в приложенном файле в формате .pdf).
Пресс-служба РАН
- Победа одна, а память разная? Академик Александр Чубарьян о разных точках зрения на Великую Отечественную в СНГ
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- Имена победителей Конкурса для молодых учёных БФ «Система» и РАН отправятся в космос
- Наука — фронту: какой вклад в Победу внесли академические институты
- Открыт приём заявок на участие в общеразвивающей научной программе РАН в «Артеке»
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